From Overwhelm and Exaustion to Inner Spaciousness, Energy and Joy - My Transformational Motherhood Journey

My own first experience with Childbirth

leading to my work as a Doula

From the Mountains of Oaxaca to Motherhood in Puerto Escondido Mexico

I grew up in Germany and moved to the Mexican coastal town of Puerto Escondido in 2006. I was 24 years old when I fell in love with the man with whom I have 4 children today.

I got pregnant the year after we met and gave birth to my first child in September 2008 on a ranch in the middle of the mountains of Oaxaca, 3000 meters above sea level, in a small hut supported by an incredible midwife. There was no electricity; my husband made a fire for us each night. Trusting my capacity to birth, I choose to give birth to my son in such a remote area, far from modern society because I knew that it was the place where I would be heard, seen, supported, and respected throughout the whole journey. By following my intuition and listening to what my body and baby needed on this journey I was able to give birth to an 11-pound baby after 36 hours of labor.

Being in such a remote place was perfect for the transition into being a family during the postpartum when the birth of the mother and father truly takes place. For the births of our other three children, we chose our home in Puerto Escondido as the place that felt best to give birth to our growing family.

I don't believe there's one right place or a way to give birth to your baby, but there is always a place for your situation and for the current moment in your life, which is the best place to embark on this journey.

It would be my privilege to provide my support to you in your motherhood journey and empower you with the tools that have helped me find the places that felt best and safest to give birth.

It is my mission in aiding you to release your fears, connect with your intuition and body wisdom and heal old wounds and support you in preparing in the best way possible for the huge transition it is for you, for your life and for your relationship to become parents.

Motherhood, same as a long-term relationship, is a humbling journey that brings us to our most vulnerable places and our greatest strengths. It's a journey full of transitions and transformations into who you are and into who you are meant to become..

We all need a community of honest, genuinely supportive sisterhood around us. To raise a child we need a village and are not supposed to do it


If you find yourself at a place of struggles and hardship we will transform the challenges your experinece into abundance and beauty.

My offer to you is a place where you find the safety to be who you are and be supported in what is best for you and your situation.

In your work with me you will not only receive and learn but also implement simple tools that will help you create a life of fullness and success in all areas.







My journey into a thriving Motherhood and Life Reality

I have by now four children of my own and have navigated the different stages of pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and motherhood.

I have experienced the challenges and joys of motherhood from both a personal inside view and a more objective outside perspective from my professional work supporting women and their families through this time.

The early years of my motherhood journey were filled with beauty, but also with significant struggles and hardship.

I remember waking up exhausted, just trying to make it through the day, and waiting for my children to go to bed so I could finally rest.

Eleven years ago, while pregnant with my third child, I found myself in tears at the sight of a mountain of dirty dishes, completely overwhelmed.

Postpartum, my energy seemed to vanish even more, my immune system was low, and I was constantly battling illnesses.

This lack of energy made it hard to be the joyful, patient mother I wanted to be.

My marriage was also in a tough place, creating a vicious cycle of tension that affected my motherhood. My husband and I struggled both financially and emotionally, unable to connect deeply or understand each other.

The turning point came when I discovered the incredible power of regulating my nervous system. By working on my deep inner core beliefs, I healed parts of myself and my inner child that I hadn’t realized were affecting my stress responses in motherhood and my relationship.

Today, at 42, with four children (the youngest born just a year ago), I have more health, energy, and inspiration than ever before.

The journey allowed me to release deep fears, stress and tension, speak my truth, and free myself from external expectations.

I found the inner capacity to feel my feelings, sit with my reality, and realize that I have significant control over my life through my choices and reactions.

I created an inner spaciousness that transformed my triggers and stressors.

Today, I react with empathy, calm and clarity instead of anger or frustration.

This transformation has brought me physical and emotional health, and an abundance of energy and joy.

Simple yet effective tools helped my husband and me communicate better, deepening our love and connection.

My daily life is now filled with joy, ease, calm, and a strong connection with my children. We enjoy our life together, and when struggles arise, we have the tools to work through them, creating more closeness rather than disconnection.

I’ve transformed my own life and continue to support others in doing the same. As an EFT Tapping Coach and Full Spectrum Birth Doula, I help you heal inner wounds and step into your power to create the fulfilling birth, life and motherhood you desire.

My Work as a Full Spectrum Doula and EFT - Tapping Coach

In 2017, after learning to regulate my nervous system and working on my own inner wounds with a trained EFT tapping practitioner I decided to deepen my expertise.

I trained as a Full Spectrum Doula with Penny Simkin, equipping me with the skills to support women through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum with a focus on their physical, emotional and psychological well-being.

Since then, I have worked with over 300 women and their families, helping them create satisfying birth experiences—not because everything went as planned, but because they felt seen, heard, and supported in their choices.

My aim was always to help families navigate their transitions into motherhood with tools for biography work, relationship communication, and body wisdom connecting them to trust their intuition and their own inner inate knowing .

However, I realized that even with these tools, women often face challenges where they feel trapped by ingrained stress responses and core beliefs, particularly those formed in early childhood. These deep-seated beliefs, such as “it’s always my fault” or “I’m not safe,” can profoundly impact how one experiences birth and motherhood, leading to feelings of guilt, depression, resentment, or isolation.

To address these deep-seated issues, I pursued advanced training as an EFT tapping coach.

This training allows me to help clients get to the root of their issues, working with their nervous systems to transform core beliefs and cellular memories.

Scientific research shows that our bodies and nervous systems store memories and stress responses at a deep level, often impacting our reactions and emotional states in ways we might not be consciously aware of.

Through advanced EFT, I guide clients in accessing, processing and transforming these past memories and beliefs, facilitating profound healing and transformation into new ones that serve them better and are more aligned with what they belive in and desire to live.

I understand the challenges you're facing because I’ve been there too!

Whether you're seeking to balance motherhood and intimacy, find more joy and connection in your daily life, or prepare for the transition into motherhood by addressing past emotional wounds, I’m here to support you.

If you're in the midst of postpartum struggles or find yourself reacting in ways you don’t want to with your children, know that change is possible.

Let's embark on this journey to transform your life, heal deep wounds, and equip you with the tools to thrive in motherhood and beyond.

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Rediscovering Intimacy After Baby"

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Company logo of 'EFT Motherhood Coaching & Doula Support' in an elegant and nurturing font, symbolizing compassion, support, and empowerment in motherhood, set against a calming and warm-colored background, representing the brand's commitment to providing holistic and personalized support for mothers on their journey through pregnancy, birth, and beyond.

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Copyright © 2024 EFT Birth-Coaching & Doula Support - All Rights Reserved